Top 10k strings from Spectrum Adventurer - Issue 18 (1987)(Spectrum Adventure Exch Club)(Side A).tzx
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17 Normal price: 17 DISCOUNT PRICE 13 Supplier: 8 J A LOCKERBY 44 HYDE PLACE ALESHAM CANTERBURY KENT CT3 3AL 7 ''"PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/P.O's. PAYABLE TO J A LOCKERBY" 4 SUPPLIER: 4 CASSETTE 3 TROLLDISC 3 TARTAN SOFTWARE (SA) 61 BAILIE NORRIE CRESC MONTROSE ANGUS DD10 9DT 3 HOMICIDE HOTEL 3 ''"STAR RATING 3 "TROLLDISC" 3 1987 S.A.E.C. 3 3 2 THE LOST RUBY 2 See Tape 17 for review details. 2 SEE TAPE 18 FOR REVIEW DETAILS 2 SEE TAPE 11 FOR REVIEW DETAILS 2 RIGEL'S REVENGE 2 MATAND SOFTWARE 29 MOORLAND ROAD MICKLEOVER DERBY DE3 5FX 2 CASTLE THADE 2 ANDREW LOWE 22 PEAKDALE AVENUE GOLDENHILL STOKE-ON-TRENT STAFFS ST6 5QP 2 A FISTFUL OF BLOOD CAPSULES 2 ;"Press ""R"" to read again" 2 ;"PRESS A KEY": 2 ;"IS LOADING": 2 ''"PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/P.O's. PAYABLE TO A LOWE" 2 1 what we can do. A trip around Knightford reveals a couple of eating places, some shops, and, what's this - Uncle Ron's Sex Emporium! 1 the can with some oil. 1 scroll on which is written a sentence that causes Zendos to vanish. You have to get rid of him to get the hour glass. The ancient scroll is not always in the chest - in July and September it can be found inthe minstrel's gallery, guarded by Vultus, Zendos's pet vulture. 1 provides a sword and a door opening spell. 1 order otherwise a faulty machinewill be built. 1 month - January is adventure 1, and so on. You do not need to solve one before you can go on to another, and, possibly, chan-ging from one to another may be the only way to solve it. 1 five fairly common letters to start your alphabet. A further clue is in the occasional runic symbol found over a location. Ineach game these symbols spell the name of a month. So if you find them all in June, you also have the letters J and U. 1 command once, then press ENTER to repeat it. 1 `2.95+`1.95=`4.90 1 Z$=" " 1 Your job is to find the twelvehour glasses and translate the runes. You can play whichever game you wish, by selecting a 1 You'll be put on the rack and stretched. Now wait until the woman appears and she will rescue you. 1 You play the part of Mister Quiet Slurp, the sheriff of Bodge City. What you have to do is to round up a gang of murder-ers who have been terrorising the west. 1 You can now enter the coffin andwear the linen strip. Take the opium and to finish extract yourbrain using the syringe. 1 With some people, you just GREETto gain their possessions or to get past them - these are the elf, cook, hag, statue of time and the dwarf. 1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden cage? 1 West again will take you to the ante-room of the logic maze. To negociate it go E,S,E,S,E,E,E,S,W,N,U,S,N,E,N,W,S, to the ornateroom. You will find that the woman has left the pipe and the beads here, so get them. 1 Well, well! Let's go to the hotel and interrogate a few guests. This is the part I enjoyed most about this game. There are plenty of people to question using the PAW's SAY TO facility and, as you might expect, it's not going to be tooeasy to find the murderer. 1 Wear peg before going to smelly vat. 1 Wear magic pendant before you attack the apprentice. 1 Wear ear muff to get past bird in cage. 1 WRIGHTCHOICE 1 WITCH HUNT/THE CUP 1 WHAT ARE THE FOLLOWING ADVENTURES? 1 USE REFLECTOR to vanquish Medusa. 1 USE HORSE SHOE to shatter mirror. 1 U,W, and pull the ear. Go east then enter the mouth and go up. Push the glass sphere and leave the statue. You will find that the priest guards have been turned into frogs and Morrisey is picking himself up. He is an adventure writer, so naturally he changes things - starting with the Unfinished Passage. 1 Translation of these runes is necessary to finish the game completely, and in some months you need a translation to be able to find the hour glass. 1 To stop losing your lives in adventure 3 carry the poker, after all it is an infinite lives POKER. 1 To move between the sections type a number between 1 and 4 after you have inserted the discinto the computer. 1 This is quite a complicated gameas it is twelve games in one. The wizard Zendos has cast comp-lete darkness over the land of Dorcasia by imprisoning the spirit of each month in an hour glass, and each hour glass has arunic inscription round its base. 1 This adventure is split into four separate parts and the overall objective is to find theexact number of stars in the universe. 1 These objects are put in the chest so that the woman, when she grabs the treasure, will take them with her as well. She will get them past the fiery chasm for you. The woman doesn'twant them if you just try to GIVE them to her - she's after treasure, not trinkets! 1 These are parts of a machine which the ogre mechanic is try- ing to build. It will eventuallybecome an excavator. The parts must be given in the correct 1 There are various scrolls, parchments and books lying around, which must be EXAMINEd (and unfortunately, this game needs the word in full) to find spells, clues and runes. But once you have done this you can drop the object. A word of warning... do not EVER EXAMINE the ticking clock! 1 There are runes in the pictureand on the hour glass held by the wizard, and these translate to ZENDOS. So you have Z and 1 There are occasions though when you try to talk to someone and you are told ""They're unavailable"" when they are right in front of you! 1 The winner was B Dunn of London. 1 The title of this adventure conjures up an image of horror films, but think of A Fistful Of Dollars and a western springsto mind - at least it will if you are a Clint Eastwood fan - and the wild west plays a prom- inent part in this game. 1 The sub adventures are called 1 The solution to Competition 14 was 1 The runes can be translated, but not easily. However, as Dorcas Software tell you, there is a clue on the inlay. 1 The outstanding feature of this game just has to be the humour. There is masses of text and most of it would bring a chuckle to even the glummest of faces. 1 The murder took place at the Hotel Majestic in the small townof Knightford. Right then, let'spay the place a visit and see 1 The game is PAW'ed and has some nice split screen graphics.By using the SAY TO command you can interact with the various characters in the game and, hopefully, make some progress. 1 The Hammer of Grimmold 1 Take the pickaxe and go to adventure 3. Examine the man to be told you need to tiptoe across the bridge. 1 Take the oil can and smash the rocks with the pickaxe. Fill 1 THE HELM 1 THE HAMMER OF GRIMMOLD 1 THE GOLDEN APPLE 1 THE EXTRICATOR 1 THE DOOMSDAY PAPERS 1 THE BOGGIT 1 TEXT 1 TEN LITTLE INDIANS 1 Solving a problem is not always a matter of giving some- thing - there are things to wearin certain cases, other things to use, and some creatures must be attacked with a variety of weapons. 1 So, if you are playing this game, it is best to map each month separately, leaving plentyof space for notes and for copies of the runic inscriptionsyou find. 1 So give the pulley to the ogre, E, get rubber band, W, give rubber band to mechanic, give spade, give lever, pull lever, and the machine will start to dig its way out of Morrisey's adventure. 1 Send for a copy now. 1 See Tape 6 for review details. 1 See Tape 15 for review details. 1 See Tape 14 for review details. 1 See Tape 12 for review details. 1 SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS 1 STOKE-ON-TRENT 1 STAR RATING 1 SPECTRUM ADVENTURE EXCHANGE CLUB 1 SOLUTIONS: RUNES OF ZENDOS 1 SIX-IN-ONE 1 SIDE 2 DETAILS 1 SHIPWRECK/CASTLE EERIE 1 SCARY MANSION 1 SAY the first letter of each hour glass line to complete the game. 1 S,W,W,S,W, will take you to the fiery chasm. Drop everything before you jump across and go west to the Unfinished Passage. Notice it is now Finished! 1 Read page 7 - this is a gravity inverting spell which causes youto fly to the top of the well. 1 Read page 13 - this is a beast control spell which stops the beast from eating you when summoned. 1 ROBIN OF SHERWOOD 1 REALM OF DARKNESS 1 Play the yoyo by the pit in adventure 3 to find a small key. 1 Paint the pyjama cord with thepaint to create a black belt. 1 PLEASE MENTION SPECTRUM ADVENTURER WHEN ORDERING TAPES. ALL PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE P&P. 1 P.O. BOX 100 1 Other pages are:- 3 - gives the KERSPLAT magic word, 42 - a hinton how to destroy the amphisbae-na, and 999 - a pressed butter- fly. 1 Oil the gun in the tank and fire it. 1 Off you go now to the sentient toll bridge via S,U,N,U,S,E,E,E,and try to pay the toll. 1 ODDS + ENDS 1 Now go south and climb into the bucket and go down the well to get a magic tome. 1 Now go E,N, to the first bare but functional room and get the spade like attachment. Go west and get the lever. Now head north and get the pulley system. 1 NOT BAD 1 N,N,D,S,D,N, to the coconut shy where you have to shoot a coco- nut with the pipe and beads. Themutant who keeps the stall will give you a prize - a pewter shilling. 1 N,F;"CREDITS ": 1 N,F;" DISCOUNT ADVENTURES": 1 Membership is free. send a S.A.E. for full details now. 1 Make sure you don't miss an issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these special prices. 1 MATCHMAKER 1 MAFIA CONTRACT I 1 LOADER 1 Knowledge which was handed down by the Ancients, and faithfully recorded by the Wise Ones. This Knowledge deals with the pastime of 1 Keep an eye on your strength andthat of your opponent, shown on screen during combat as (C) - creature and (P) - player. 1 JEWELS OF BABYLON 1 JADE NECKLACE 1 J BENTLEY 10 WHEATLANDS PARK REDCAR CLEVELAND TS10 2PD 1 It would be far too lenghty a procedure to attempt a detailed solution and with 300 locations,impossible to get on to one map. 1 It definitely helps knowing how to overcome the problems, sohere goes, but before you read on, I will tell you that when incombat, you need type in the 1 In this adventure you play the part of a private investigator called John Stafford who has been asked by his aquaintance Inspector Dwyer to investigate the murder of a film star's husband. 1 In reply to ""Which torture do you fear most?"" say THE RACK. 1 In every month you will find adifferent result after over- coming a problem, although the method of solving it is always the same. 1 If you would like to win a threeissue subscription to Spectrum Adventurer then take a look at the scrambled letters on the next page. All you have to do isunscramble them to reveal the titles of three adventures. 1 If you would like to receive anyof these maps simply send us a large S.A.E. stating which maps you want. 1 If you translate all the runesyou will find that you have a verse of twelve lines to over- come ZENDOS in each month, and another verse of twelve lines from the runes round the hour glasses. 1 If at any time you want to leavea specific adventure to go to another, just pinch your arm. Tostart, enter adventure 1. 1 IMAGINATION 1 I'm not going to give you any examples of the humour as this would only dull the delightful experience of playing this game. What I will say is that I doubt if the likes of Delta 4 could produce a better game thanthis. 1 I am always eager to add to my volumes anything concerning adventures. If you have any mapsor solutions to any adventures please send them to me care of S.A. If I use them in the cavernyou will receive a 3 issue subscription to the magazine. 1 Here we are folks with yet another free competition. 1 Head W,N,E,E, to the vast room. You will no doubt have noticed that the priest guards are afteryou. Let them capture you and take you to the torture room. 1 HEAVY ON THE MAGICK 1 HAWK ADVENTURING 29 HOLLOWGATE BARNBURGH SOUTH YORKS DN5 7BH 1 HAMPSTEAD 1 Go back to the vast room, avoid-ing the priest guards. Then go north to a statue. 1 Give the weather map to the woman inside the sacred weather tower. 1 Give the resulting icicle to the little girl to get the yoyo. 1 Give the bread to the bat whowill operate the switch for you,giving power to the space station. 1 Give corkscrew to butler. Give diamond to maiden. Give bone to dog. Give meat to Vultus. 1 Get the opium and the syringe and go west and unwrap the mummy. Head E,W, to the ante- chamber, and, wait for it, resurrect unlive being. 1 Gateways need keys to open them and doors need spells. In each month a particular spell opens a particular door, but it's not as simple as all that. The spell has to be found in each game before you can use it,and you cannot carry knowledge or objects from one game to another. 1 GOOD 1 GOLDENHILL 1 For instance, in every month you get past the beautiful maiden by giving her a diamond, but in January she guards a magic pendant, while in June she 1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order. 1 Finished with an adventure? 1 Fill the bucket with coals. 1 FORGOTTEN CITY 1 Examine the bunk to find a pyjama cord. 1 Examine the Time Lord to find out about your quest then pull the lever. 1 Enter the citadel and unlock the cell door. Take the stale bread and while you are there read the plaque. 1 Enter the citadel and drink the elixir to increase your strength. You will find it inside the font. 1 Enter the building and the Jap soldier will run away from you because he thinks you are a black belt. 1 Each game has 25 locations, and you will meet the same people and creatures, but in different places. 1 EXCHANGE CLUB 1 Drop the blindfold, if necessaryand go east to the bare room. The woman will be here and she will want to know where the treasure is. Tell her to try thetorture chamber. 1 Don't let it gather dust on a shelf! 1 Don't leave your finished adventures on the shelf. Swap them with our members. We have loads of adventures on our data-base. Send for details NOW! 1 Dig in the field where you find the spade to discover a glove. 1 DOME TROOPER 1 DAVY JONES LOCKER/ THE CHALLENGE 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness? 1 CROWN OF RAMHOTEP/ PROSPECTOR 1 CONTRIBUTORS 1 CODE 1 CLUB PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1 CASTLE BLACKSTAR 1 C$="TO IMAGINATION BY R BATEY" 1 C$="RUNES OF ZENDOS BY J ROWE" 1 C$="Preview of Murder Hunt." 1 C$="Plus our Top 10 adventure chart." 1 C$="More than 200 adventures listed here." 1 C$="Just what it says!" 1 C$="Hints on Voodoo Castle." 1 C$="An exciting adventure with Dr Goo!" 1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer Published by S.A.E.C. 4 Kilmartin Lane CARLUKE Lanarkshire SCOTLAND ML8 5RT": 1 C$=" Are you having problems with an adventure? HELPLINE is a free service which could save you from death, destruction, and much worse (if such a thing is possible)." 1 C$=" All you have to do is look at the list of adventures on Side 2 and write to the person who can help you with your problem. Please include a S.A.E. with your letter or an international reply coupon if you are writing from abroad." 1 But it's not all fun and laughter, there are problems to be solved as well - such as keeping your deputy alive at thestart of the game and dealing with a recalcitrant horse with asweet tooth! 1 Break the egg seal to get into the burial chamber. PARADOX (remember the Obelisk in part 1)will cause the amphibaena in thecoffin to eat itself. 1 Beware the surly dwarf though,he will steal one of your carried objects before vanishingand if it happens to be the skull and crossbone key then you've had it! This key opens the chest containing an ancient 1 Before the adventure proper, youcan load a storyboard which out-lines the plot of the game and at the end of the adventure is aprogram appropriately called THEEND which can only be seen if you complete the game! 1 Backnumbers and single issues cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue. 1 BULLDOG (MASTERTRONIC) 1 BORED OF THE RINGS 1 BOOK OF THE DEAD 1 Attack werewolf with dagger. Attack dragon with longbow. Attack skeleton with axe. Attack zombie with sword or axe.No weapon is required to attack the serpent or the metamorphe. 1 Apart from a few oddities thisis a good game and, if you don'thurry, the program will prompt you to do something, or, even worse, the police will discover the murderer before you. 1 Another odd aspect occurs when you try to buy something in a shop - you are told just to takeit only to discover that it isn't there!!! 1 And there we are. You are mumm- ified, embalmed, and dead insideyour coffin, and your divine Ka-soul is released to return to the paradise of the Other World. 1 Aim the gun inside the plane at the bull and fire. Bullseye! 1 After a fight, eat as many units of provisions as you need to bring your strength back up to 25. You start with 25 units, and you will find an apple, a sandwich and a piece of cheese, each of which counts as 5 units when eaten. 1 AZTEC HUNT FOR THE SUN GOD 1 ANDY MACGREGOR 1 ALL PAYMENTS IN STERLING PLEASE 1 A Fistful of Blood Capsules isa three part adventure and the data saved from the end of one part will have to be loaded intothe next part in order to conti-nue the game. 1 A FISTFUL OF BLOOD CAPSULES 1 ;"The Troll and Discount Adventures" 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ;"SPECTRUM 1 ;"PRESS A KEY" 1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 18 1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES" 1 ;"NUMBER 16 1 ;"NOVEMBER 1987" 1 ;"EDITOR William Young": 1 ;"3 6 12" 1 ;" June Rowe": 1 22 PEAKDALE AVENUE 1 10 WHEATLANDS PARK 1 .................. 1 '''"This is a two part adventure in which you are a reporter covering the Reunification War in the 22nd Century." 1 ''"PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/P.O's PAYABLE TO J A LOCKERBY" 1 '"subscription will begin at the end of the current one. The closing date for entries is the 14th DECEMBER 1987." 1 '"described as being ""nothing special"" even when they are vital to the game!" 1 '"clear screen routine and the Verbs and Nouns commands which take the guess work out of find-ing which words to use." 1 '"U.K. `5.00 `10.00 `18.00" 1 '"The bridge won't let you past soits back to the coconut shy to win another prize and another and another until you have infinite groats and can cross the bridge." 1 '"The Lost Ruby was hidden some- where on the Isle of Wight by Queen Victoria. To this day it has still to be found, at least that's what the blurb on the cassette inlay says." 1 '"The Dragonslayer Andy MacGregor": 1 '"STAR RATING 1 '"Regrettably, your colleague diesbefore he can tell you about themachine so the future of Rigel Vis in your hands." 1 '"Read page 666 and drop the tome,this summons the beast who runs off and eats the lemming horde which otherwise obstructs you." 1 '"Overseas `10.00 `18.00 `36.00" 1 '"Once you've done that send your answers to us at S.A.E.C. Shouldthe winner already have an existing subscription, the new" 1 '"Now go west to a room under a topless pit, i.e. the bottom of the shaft you dropped all your objects down (you did, didn't you?). And here they are..." 1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our books than you will find in yourlocal computer store. 1 '"Get the chest before she does and put the wooden pipe and the beads in it. Now drop the chest." 1 '"First of all load the saved gameposition from Part 1." 1 '"Examine the tome to find how to use it. According to page 1 there are 6 pages that have beenwritten on. These are 1,3,7,13, 42,666,999." 1 '"Europe `7.50 `12.00 `24.00" 1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure." 1 '"All in all this is a good text adventure which is not designed to be finished at one sitting!" 1 '"(A FISTFUL OF BLOOD CAPSULES AND SCARY MANSION - ONLY `6.00)" 1 '" The Troll Richard Batey": 1 '" Press ""T"" for The Troll" 1 '" Press ""Q"" to quit" 1 '" Press ""D"" for details of discount adventures" 1 '" Press ""Q"" to quit" 1 '" 1 '" 1 "With regard to problem solving, there doesn't seem to be much todo. I must admit to not having completed the game but I have scored more than 50% with the greatest of ease." 1 "These are only some of the questions you will ask yourself in this exciting adventure." 1 "The blurb mentions ""inter-activegraphics"" but apart from the loading screens (don't go away and make a cup of tea when this game is loading or you will misssome clues) the only graphics I've come across were when I examined the hotel door." 1 "Enter the statue and go U,U,U, and leap - you can reach the vertical shaft because you have been stretched on the rack." 1 " Your colleague persuaded you to become an agent for a peace Corps and you are about to meet him to find the whereabouts of a Doomsday Machine which is in the hands of the Rebels." 1 " We don't see many adventures from Mastertronic, I for one would like to see some more, especially if they are up to thestandards of this one." 1 " Unfortunately this game now departs from the standards we have come to expect from Wright-choice, although to be fair, they didn't write the game, which is sponsored by the Southern Tourist Board." 1 " The hotel has a booby trapped door and a none too safe lift shaft. The desert is not a healthy place to visit and, as far as I know there is no way out of it." 1 " The exam command is usually unresponsive - most things are" 1 " Progress through the park is hampered by an upturned tank anda homicidal maniac caused me to seek refuge in a basement flat, escape from which involved wear-ing my birthday suit!" 1 " It is a Quilled adventure and while the graphics are nothing to write home about it has the now familiar Wrightchoice" 1 " If this adventure is an advertfor the Isle of Wight it has failed miserably. Location des-criptions are incredibly brief e.g. Chale Village is simply Chale Village, and are totally lacking in atmosphere" 1 " I'm sorry Wrightchoice, but I can't really recommend this gameto anyone who wants to devote more than an hour or two to an adventure. I fail to understand why you became involved in its production." 1 " Early exploration will reveal a hotel, some shops, a park and a desert maze." 1 " -------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- 1 adventuring and each month I will open my chests with a solid gold key and share with you the Knowledge to be found in these tomes. 1 Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer Published by S.A.E.C. 4 Kilmartin Lane CARLUKE Lanarkshire SCOTLAND ML8 5RT 1 VIEW WINDOW. Press switch to communicate with PAL the computer and ask him to open thehatch for you. 1 SEABASE DELTA 1 S.A.E.C. 1987 1 Revisited": 1 Return to the space station and insert the ram board into the console. This will fully restore PAL the computer. 1 Raid Over Margate. 1 ROBIN OF SHERLOCK 1 RED MOON 1 Press the button on the food dispenser to get a bag of chips. 1 Panic Miner 1 PRINCE OF TYNDAL 1 MARIE CELESTE 1 MADCAP MANOR 1 Lords Of Half Past Nine 1 LOTH RUB STYE": 1 KNIGHT TYME 1 GRIMBER TRONS": 1 GREMLINS 1 Feed the cow with the grass and then proceed to milk her. 1 Enter the pod and grab the space suit. Once you have the suit, open the hatch and start the count of the stars. 1 Enter the mechanical mole andpull the lever. You will dig into a hidden cave where you will find a ram board. 1 EXCHANGE 1 Drop the chips in the field adjacent to the guard dogs. Theywill come to investigate the delicious aroma. 1 Drop the bucket of coals by the tuft of grass in adventure 2. 1 COMPETITION 1 BRICE LAUX": 1 2002 - A Very Odd Day In Space 1 1987 S.A.E.C." 1 This game is brilliant. Buy itnow! 1 However, all is not quite whatit seems to be, but that is whatyou and your deputy Marcus Bone-head will discover as you track down the gang. Whether you can do anything about it is another matter entirely! 1 Cludo fans, budding detectivesand anyone who wants a break from fighting monsters and searching for treasure will enjoy this adventure. 1 -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------" 1 NEXT PROGRAM ON SIDE 1:- THE TROLL & DISCOUNT SOFTWARE 1 Z 1 Jd 1 Greetings, fellow adventurers. I am the Troll whose cavern is full of chests packed with leather bound volumes of pure knowledge. 1 Bp 1 1